Sarah Hall
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


Do you know what I just realized? 🤔

I feel the most anxious in my life when I feel like I don’t have control.

But there is so much in life that we simply cannot control. We can’t control if we are going to get a deadly disease, or get hit by a bus. We can’t control exactly how our lives are going to play out either. We really can’t.

All we can do is work towards making our lives the best that they can be.

How do we do that? How do we get from feeling stuck in our lives to feeling like we are on the right track?

Through growth. 🌱

By doing one thing a day or a week that grows us into the person we want to be.

If you want to open your own cooking class because that’s your passion, but right now you’re a nurse and you feel defeated and frustrated because you’re… STUCK… then you can do one thing to grow towards it and instantly feel like you’re on the right track.

Something as small as taking a cooking class, inviting friends over and teaching them all a recipe while you enjoy a glass of wine, or maybe looking up recipes and making a plan of something you’d like to try out to cook for your family as your guinea pigs.

It doesn’t have to be “all or nothing”.

It doesn’t have to be “now or never.”

It doesn’t have to have all this stress piled onto it that if you don’t do it RIGHT NOW then you never will. Because how does that fear serve you? It doesn’t. It actually is exactly what’s keeping you stuck.

That fear that you don’t have control over your life is exactly why you’re stuck.

So give up the control and just do one small thing to grow today instead of worrying that you haven’t become a rocket scientist yet at age 27. Seriously, it’s ok.

Oh and trust me, just because someone else has done it, (*ahem Tiera Guinn age 22 and works at NASA designing 🚀) doesn’t mean that you should have done it by now too.

That’s your fear speaking.

That’s the control speaking.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…

Life’s actually not supposed to be so hard.

Life is meant to be joyful and happy, full of beautiful moments that create beautiful memories.

All that worrying and fear of the unknown is destroying your now. It’s ruining your peace. It’s wrecking your happiness. It’s stopping your LIFE.


Let it go.

And then grow.

xo Sarah Hall

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Sarah Hall

Hi guys! I am an author and lifestyle vlogger, travel enthusiast and life coach sharing my tips and ideas to help you manifest the life of your dreams!